83rd Annual

Monday, 10 February 2003
Weather on the Web Using Wx-Portal
Cecil Keen, Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN; and D. Christensen
Poster PDF (2.1 MB)
Many educators who have access to the Web in classrooms use the many services that offer weather information to enhance their teaching presentations. Sometimes it is necessary to access several sites to obtain a comprehensive weather picture. A new, comprehensive program and service called Wx-Portal has recently become available which has many advantages over the standard sites. Educators can choose from a series of user-selectable thumb-nail images, click, and this becomes a full screen animated graphic onto which other images can be overlaid. The GUI is most appealing and the learning curve almost negligible. This is used at Minnesota State University for both classroom demonstrations and in laboratory training. This presentation will introduce educators to this program and will demonstrate its ease of use and functionality.

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