The Digital Water Education Library (DWEL) is the first major thematic collection building effort to bring high quality, K-12 and informal education resources into the Digital Library for Earth Systems Education (DLESE). Efforts are currently underway to provide teachers, students and informal educators with easy, searchable access to over 500 exemplary digital resources related to the science, policy and economics of water by the end of 2003. The primary goal of DWEL is to promote inquiry-based investigations of water in the Earth system.
A discovery tool will allow users to search the library catalogue by content area, grade level, resource type and the national science standards to obtain the resources they desire. A series of concept webs will allow users to examine the connections and relationships between important water concepts and issues. In addition to high quality curricula, lesson plans, experiments, models, simulations, and activities, the DWEL collection will link to exemplary online professional development programs, assessment item pools, and useful data and image sets. Links to newly revised online modules from NSTA's "Earth the Water Planet" curricula will also provide educators with the opportunity to sample high quality, text-based curricula that has been updated, correlated to science education standards, and enhanced by the addition of online resources from the DWEL collection.
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