Algorithm modules using the different data sources to retrieve individual geophysical parameters needed in the water budget equation were designed in a manner that takes advantage of their physical relationships to the SSM/I passive microwave signals for water vapor, cloud liquid water, and rainfall as well as the high temporal resolution of the GOES-8. The methodology consisted of retrieving the precipitation, surface evaporation, and the vapor-cloud water storage terms in the atmospheric water balance equation from satellite techniques, while the divergence of the vertically integrated water vapor horizontal transport was obtained as a residual in the balance equation. Thus, a purely satellite-based methodology for deriving the full set of terms in the atmospheric water budget equation was developed without requiring information on the wind velocity profile. The calculations were carried out by combining an array of different algorithm modules found in the scientific literature for the retrieval of the different terms in the water balance equation.
Total columnar atmospheric water budget results will be presented for the period of study. The analysis was aimed at studying the seasonal characteristics of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea basin water budget for one semiannual cycle. Also, results from inter-comparisons done among different algorithm modules tested to retrieve the water budget terms will also be presented. These inter-comparisons were conducted with the idea of finding out the best combination of algorithms suites to carry out the study.
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