Tuesday, 11 February 2003: 2:28 PM
Heat budget of the California Current from satellite and in situ observations
The California Current is a biologically and climatologically important
site of strong air-sea exchanges of heat, moisture, and momentum. We test
a simple heat budget for the region using satellite-derived heat fluxes
and winds. The 2D upper-ocean balance assumes that heat gained from the
atmosphere by cold upwelled waters is exported offshore via Ekman
transport and eddies of the California Current. Heat content change is
estimated from oceanic temperature profiles taken by volunteer observer
ships between San Francisco and Hawaii. The Ekman transport is derived
from QuikSCAT alongshore wind stress. The final term, the cross-shore eddy
heat flux, is estimated as the component of the residual that is
correlated with surface height anomalies from the TOPEX/POSEIDON
altimeter. The ability of the Goddard Satellite-Based Surface Turbulent
Fluxes, GSSTF-2, to close the balance is compared to that of the COARE
bulk flux algorithm applied to NCEP surface fields. Future comparisons
will include HOAPS (Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from
Satellite Data) and J-OFURU. The study has two goals: first, to
identify the dominant processes determining the seasonal heat content of
the California Current and second, to assess the performance of
newly-available satellite surface flux products against that of a
widely-used bulk flux algorithm and surface fields.
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