83rd Annual

Thursday, 13 February 2003: 2:15 PM
Sea fog off the California Coast: Historical perspective and climatology
John Lewis, NOAA/NSSL and DRI, Norman, OK; and D. Koracin and K. Redmond
Poster PDF (47.5 kB)
Abstract The extreme variability of fog off the California coast in both space and time has led to a series of hypotheses regarding sea fog formation in this area. We historically examine the research environment and work of several scientists who contributed to our understanding of this phenomenon. Furthermore, we compare and contrast the hypotheses in light of known climatology (frequency distribution of sea fog). The backdrop for the study begins with a review of G. I. Taylor’s fundamental work on sea fog. We then follow with discussions of the contributions by Horace Byers, Sverre Petterssen, and Dale Leipper, along with brief mention of contemporaries who also contributed to our understanding of sea fog.

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