83rd Annual

Monday, 10 February 2003
Use of the electrostatic classification method to investigate the size distribution of aerosols near Hurricane Erika
Natasha A. Greene, Howard University, Washington, DC; and V. R. Morris, A. Aikin, W. Hoegy, and D. Silberman
Poster PDF (227.0 kB)
We present measurements of aerosols acquired with a differential mobility analyzer – condensation particle counter (DMA-CPC) system aboard a P-3 flight from Miami, FL to Bermuda during Hurricane Erika in 1997. We have analyzed particle number densities as a function of particle diameter, windspeed, and distance from the eye of the hurricane. Our results indicate that particles with diameters larger than .025 mm are scavenged efficiently within the hurricane, resulting in a mono modal distribution near the eye.

Supplementary URL: