Because of the importance of the LLJ in determining the location and intensity of rainfall in land-falling winter storms on the U.S. West Coast, the California Land-falling Jets experiment (CALJET) was carried out in the winter of 1997/98, during which unique data were collected concerning the LLJ. CALJET data collection and analysis have focused heavily on characterizing the LLJ and its impact on precipitation distributions.
This paper combines the unique airborne and wind profiler data collected in CALJET with satellite derived integrated water vapor retrievals. It uses an in-depth case study analysis documenting the horizontal and vertical distributions of the horizontal water vapor flux in a representative storm on 25-26 January 1998. This was accomplished using in situ and dropsonde data collected offshore by a NOAA P-3 research aircraft, which revealed that the moisture core and a majority of the horizontal water vapor flux occurred in a ~200 km wide swath. SSM/I polar-orbiting satellite retrievals of integrated precipitable water vapor were then examined for the CALJET winter of 1997/98. Based on an objective set of criteria, >100 cases were characterized as atmospheric rivers. These data were then analyzed to produce a statistical description of the width of the water vapor plume component of the atmospheric rivers. These case study and climatological results from observations are then compared with the conclusions drawn earlier from the evaluation of global model simulations noted above.
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