83rd Annual

Thursday, 13 February 2003
A New Paradigm Image Analysis Tool
Steven G. Hoffert, Boeing Autometric, Springfield, VA; and A. M. Powell Jr., P. Anderson, P. A. Zuzolo, G. Greene, M. Conte, P. Fetz, and D. Blyth
Poster PDF (651.7 kB)
Image analysts rely on functions typically built into the tools designed to provide analysis assistance. However, the functions are not generally modifiable to suit individual user needs. To support users more directly, a new paradigm image tool was investigated. The goal was to derive a flexible approach to algorithm development where the user controlled the equations and other functions that resulted in the final analysis. In addition, users are allowed to save the algorithms and exchange them with contemporaries. This new paradigm analysis tool provides greater flexibility and faster review or experimental algorithms through the save and exchange process. A brief discussion of the tools capabilities is provided.

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