83rd Annual

Monday, 10 February 2003: 11:15 AM
Utilizing the IHOP 2002 data to study the variability in surface evaporation, runoff, and precipitation for the SGP
Fei Chen, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and M. A. LeMone, D. N. Yates, R. L. Grossman, T. Horst, R. H. Cuenca, D. S. Niyogi, and P. Blanken
Poster PDF (465.3 kB)
Nine NCAR surface flux stations and one station, operated by a University of Colorado group, were set up to support the atmospheric boundary layer mission for the International H2O Project (IHOP 2002) in the Southern Great Plains for the period of May 13- June 26 2002. Nine of these ten flux stations were enhanced by adding soil and vegetation sensors and strategically located along flight tracks and over various landuse types (winter wheat, grassland, sparsely vegetated surface, bare ground). One profile of soil moisture and temperature sensors was installed at seven stations, and three profiles of soil sensors were deployed for each of the two 'super' sites to investigate the heterogeneity within a site. For each profile, soil moisture and temperature sensors were installed at six soil depths (with the deepest layer at about 90 cm). Decagon ECH2O Dielectric Aquameters and Campbell Heat dissipation Matric Water Potential (C229) were used to measure soil moisture and soil water tension. Licor LAI-2000, Cropscan MSRSYS5 radiometer, Licor LI-1600 Porometers, and Infred-Red Thermocouple were employed to measure leaf area index, NDVI, stomatal resistance, and temperature profile within canopy, respectively, on the weekly basis. Preliminary results showed large variations in evaporation, precipitation, soil moisture, and vegetation characteristics among stations. We will describe this comprehensive surface, soil, and vegetation data set and our plan to combine surface, aircraft, and model analysis to study the variability in surface evaporation and water vapor in the PBL, and its relationship with precipitation.

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