MAPR performed extremely well during IHOP, often collecting good data up to 4 km. In addition to the 3D wind field, MAPR data provides information on BL depth, precipitation and clear-air reflectivity. On several occasions, a new operating mode was employed which enabled enhanced vertical resolution of the wind field. This was done by using frequency shifting interferometry known as Range Imaging or RIM. Using this technique, along with the high temporal resolution of MAPR, allows detailed study of small scale features, such as Kelvin-Helmholtz billows atop outflow fronts.
The data collected at the Homestead site will be used to characterize the vertical structure of the boundary layer, bores, dry lines, outflow boundaries and fronts and their temporal evolution. The routine soundings launched at 1 PM will be used to develop seasonal mean profiles of T,q,u of the convective boundary layer and overlying atmosphere. Dry, windy conditions prevailed at the site providing many observations of deep mixing and horizontal rolls in the boundary layer. Examples of several features influencing the NCAR ISS site will be given.
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