83rd Annual

Wednesday, 12 February 2003: 5:00 PM
Diverse Contributions of Robert H. Simpson and Joanne Simpson to Science
Roger Pielke Sr., Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
I had the pleasure to work with Bob and Joanne Simpson in Miami, Florida and Charlottesville, Virginia. During these time periods I was able to interact as employee, student, colleague and friend. My talk discusses their very effective model of mentorship, and how, in this context, their pioneering ideas in science advanced our understanding of the atmospheric sciences. Examples of their introduction of scientific foundation studies are presented, ranging from the cloud scale, the mesoscale, to the global scale. Added material that expands on Pielke (2002) will be presented.


Pielke Sr., R.A., 2002: Joanne Simpson -- An ideal model of mentorship. Meteor. Monograph., accepted.

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