83rd Annual

Sunday, 9 February 2003
Introducing an Applied Meteorology Course at Prairie View A&M University
Brian Cudnik, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX
The Department of Physics of Prairie View A&M University is pleased to offer the Online Weather Studies course in the form of an introductory, applied meteorology course as part of their curriculum. The course has been offered in the form of a unit within the existing PHSC 4014 (Earth Sciences for Teachers) course, and as an independent study for science majors and prospective teachers. Paperwork is currently being processed to offer this course in a stand-alone form by the fall of 2003. The proposed Texas Electronic Coalition Program, coordinated by Texas A&M/Kingsville and including six universities as participants, will provide another avenue to offer Online Weather Studies to a broader audience. Within this Poster, I will describe these plans in further detail as well as present mid- to long-term prospects, to include establishing a pipeline of students with the Atmospheric Sciences Department at Texas A&M University.

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