13.5 Future Weather Forecasting in the Year 2020—Investing in Technology Today: Improviing Weather and Environmental Predictions

Sunday, 25 June 2000: 10:35 AM
Richard Anthes, UCAR, Boulder, CO; and M. Schoeberl

Fast-forward twenty years to the nightly simultaneous TV/webcast. Accurate 8-14 day regional forecasts will be available as will be a whole host of linked products including economic impact, travel, energy usage, etc. On-demand, personalized street-level forecasts will be downloaded into your PDA. Your home system will automatically update the products of interest to you (e.g. severe storm forecasts, hurricane predictions, etc). Short and long range climate forecasts will be used by your "Quicken 2020" to make suggest changes in your "futures" investment portfolio.

Through a lively and informative multi-media presentation, leading Space-Earth Science Researchers and Technologists will share their vision for the year 2020, offering a possible futuristic forecast enabled through the application of new technologies under development today.

Copies of the 'broadcast' will be available on Beta Tape for your own future use. If sufficient interest exists, the program may also be made available for broadcasters wishing to do stand-ups with roll-ins from the San Francisco meeting for their viewers back home.

PROPOSED PRESNTERS: Dr. Richard Anthes, UCAR President & Dr. Mark Schoeberl, NASA Goddard Senior Scientist

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