24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology


An Overview of Large-Scale Influences on Tropical Cyclogenesis

John Molinari, SUNY, Albany, NY; and D. Vollaro

We have examined individual case studies and entire seasons of tropical cyclogenesis in the Atlantic, eastern Pacific, and, to a lesser extent, the western Pacific. All make use of ECMWF gridded analyses and gridded OLR, which are used to examine the structure of the large scale in the vicinity of forming tropical depressions. I will discuss the possible influences of waves in the easterlies, the MJO, and the ITCZ, using several examples. Also given will be a general discussion of the cyclogenesis problem.

Session 6B, Tropical cyclogenesis I (Parallel with Sessions 6A and J3)
Wednesday, 24 May 2000, 1:45 PM-2:45 PM

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