24th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Session 5B

 Mesoscale convective systems (Parallel with Sessions 5A and J2)
 Organizer: Edward Zipser, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
10:15 AM5B.1Initiation of an African Squall Line adn its interactions with an Easterly Wave  
A. Diongue, CNRM and Meteo-France, Toulouse, France; and J. -. P. Lafore and J. -. L. Redelsperger
10:30 AM5B.2Gravity waves as a mechanism of convection triggering  
Christine Lac, CNRM and Meteo-France, Toulouse, France; and J. P. Lafore and J. L. Redelsperger
10:45 AM5B.3**Characteristics of Convective Development in Simulated Squall Lines  
Matthew Garcia, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO
5B.4Effects of easterlies at the upper troposphere on the development of tropical mesoscale convective systems  
Shoichi Shige, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan; and T. Satomura
11:00 AM5B.5Early results from TRMM-LBA: Kinematic and microphsical characteristics of convection in distinct meteorological regimes  
Steven A. Rutledge, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and W. A. Petersen, R. C. Cifelli, and L. D. Carey
11:14 AM5B.6Presentation time switched with paper 5B.7  
11:15 AM5B.6aAnalysis of rainfall and electrification characteristics of MCS during TRMM-LBA in the context of varying environmental regimes (Formerly paper 5B.7)  
Jeffrey B. Halverson, Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD; and T. Rickenbach, B. Ferrier, E. Williams, R. N. Ferriera, R. C. Cifelli, and G. Fisch
11:29 AM5B.7Presentation time switched with paper 5B.6  
11:30 AM5B.7aEvolution of mesoscale convective systems in contrasting large scale regimes from radar and infrared satellite data during the TRMM-LBA field campaign in RondÔnia, Brazil (Formerly paper 5B.6)  
Thomas M. Rickenbach, Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County and NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and R. N. Ferreira, J. B. Halverson, and R. C. Cifelli
11:44 AM5B.8Regulation of Convection Onsets During the 15 December 1992 TOGA COARE mesoscale convective system  
Badrinath Nagarajan, McGill Univ., Montreal, PQ, Canada; and M. K. Yau and D. L. Zhang

Wednesday, 24 May 2000: 10:15 AM-11:59 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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