The 5th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography


Stephen G. Warren, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; and I. G. Rigor, N. Untersteiner, V. F. Radionov, N. N. Bryazgin, Y. I. Aleksandrov, and R. Colony

Snow depth and density were measured at Soviet drifting stations on multiyear Arctic sea ice. Measurements were made daily at fixed stakes at the weather station, and once- or thrice-monthly at 10-m intervals on a line beginning about 500 m from the station buildings and extending outward an additional 500 or 1000 m. Analyses are performed for the 37 years 1954-1991, during which time at least one station was always reporting.

Snow depth at the stakes was sometimes higher than on the lines, and sometimes lower, but no systematic trend of snow depth was detected as a function of distance from the station along the 1000-m lines that would indicate an influence of the station. To determine the seasonal progression of snow depth for each year at each station, priority was given to snow-lines if available; otherwise the fixed stakes were used, with an offset applied if necessary.

The ice is mostly free of snow during August. Snow accumulates rapidly in September and October, moderately in November, very slowly in December and January, then moderately again from February to May. This pattern is exaggerated in the Greenland-Ellesmere sector, which shows almost no net accumulation from November to March. The Chukchi region shows a steadier accumulation throughout the autumn, winter, and spring. The average snow depth of the multi-year ice region reaches a maximum of 34 cm (11 g cm-2) in May. The deepest snow is just north of Greenland and Ellesmere Island, peaking in early June at more than 40 cm, when the snow is already melting north of Siberia and Alaska. The average snow density increases with time throughout the snow accumulation season, averaging 300 kg m-3, with little geographical variation.

Usually only two stations were in operation in any particular year, so there is insufficient information to obtain the geographical pattern of interannual variations. Therefore, to represent the geographical and seasonal variation of snow depth, a two-dimensional quadratic function is fitted to all data for a particular month, irrespective of year.

Interannual anomalies for each month of each year are obtained relative to the long-term mean snow depth for the geographical location of the station operating in that particular year. The computed interannual variability (IAV) of snow depth in May is 6 cm, but this is larger than the true IAV because of inadequate geographical sampling. Weak negative trends of snow depth are found for all months. The largest trend is for May, the month of maximum snow depth, a decrease of 8 cm over 37 years, apparently due to a reduction in accumulation-season snowfall.

The 5th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography