The 15th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems(IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology


Nancy N. Soreide, NOAA/PMEL, Seattle, WA; and B. Baker, R. Gird, M. Lockwood, T. LePointe, A. Ray, and E. Kleindinst

The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is to describe and predict changes in the Earth's environment, and conserve and wisely manage the Nation's coastal and marine resources. NOAA has established seven Strategic Goal toward fulfilling its mission:

* Advance Short-Term Warning and Forecast Services
* Implement Seasonal to Interannual Climate Forecasts
* Predict and Assess Decadal to Centennial Change
* Promote Safe Navigation
* Build Sustainable Fisheries
* Recover Protected Species
* Sustain Healthy Coasts

Each of NOAA's Strategic Goals is presented as a Theme Page for the World Wide Web. Each Theme Page clearly explains the Strategic Goal, including what it is, why it is important, what impact it has on human life, why we study it, and how we study it. The Theme Page linclude links to relevant data, graphics, forecasts, historical perspectives and in-depth analyses. The audience for the NOAA Strategic Goal Theme Pages includes scientists, administrators, teachers, students, industry, media, and the general public. The thematic approach enables users to locate simple explainations as well as comprehensive data/information on each NOAA Strategic Goal. This paper presents the NOAA Strategic Goal Theme Pages.

The 15th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems(IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology