The 15th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems(IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology


Gregory R. Patrick, NOAA/NWS, Tulsa, OK; and J. M. Frederick, S. E. Nelson, S. A. Amburn, and R. M. Radzanowski

AWIPS D2D and the text display system provides a powerful system to display information and graphics products. Although the AWIPS system is complete as is, additional software developed locally at WFO Tulsa provides additional customization and features which significantly adds to its functionality in an operational and occasionally hectic work environment. Many of these programs are graphical and enhance the capability and efficiency of the staff.

The software programs were written in FORTRAN, C, Tcl/Tk, and OSF/Motif, and many use UNIX scripts and crons. They include: 1) GetWarns to automatically print hard copies of warnings and statements, 2) SOOVER which provides interactive graphical and tabular verification of temperature and precipitation, 3) D2D_to_GIF which provides forecasters a simplified method to produce GIF images from AWIPS, 4) FPCMAP which provides forecasters with a hard copy, graphical plot of NGM and AVN MOS data on a regional map, 5) FPC Worksheet which prints a public forecast worksheet showing previous forecast numbers along with MOS guidance numbers, 6) Profiler which ingests and produces plane and time-height profiler data as well as hodographs, 7) Mapal which produces a regional (multi-state) graphical image of states/counties with plots of hazardous weather watches and color-coded county warnings, 8) TAFMonitor which provides one minute updates of the most recent TAF along with the three most recent METAR observations for that site, 9) Hard copy which is a program to produce hardcopies of the products issued during a particular shift, 10) TV - a text viewer program which utilizes a point-and-click regional map and several rows of quick access buttons to display products from nearby WFOs.

A brief summary of these programs, along with their uses and examples are provided

The 15th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems(IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology