The 5th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography


James A. Moore, Boulder, CO; and G. J. Stossmeister

The Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) Project is a multi- agency sponsored, inter-disciplinary project with many investigators and varied instrumentation. An integrated data management strategy is central to providing a complete database that is easily accessible to project investigators and the science community. This paper describes how JOSS has implemented this strategy for SHEBA and how data can be accessed from this 13 month field program.

In support of the SHEBA project, JOSS was tasked with the following: 1) Provision of an on-line catalog at the ice station and on the mainland to provide primary access topreliminary datasets and documentation of activities during the 13 month field season, 2) Planning and coordination of data management activities among other agencies, projects and groups to meet SHEBA investigator needs and, 3) Coordination of the transfer of datasets to the final archive at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).

The on-line catalog capability within the JOSS system allows investigators the ability to peruse and display preliminary data products during and following the field phase. The catalog permits on-line entry (data collection details, metadata, weekly operations summary, certain operational and research data and images, etc.), data browsing (listings, images) and information distribution to other locations worldwide. Catalogs were operated on both the ship and mainland and updated using satellite communications (daily) and media transfer (~ 6 weekly). The catalog currently contains 67 preliminary product datasets made up mostly of meteorological and irradiance data. Following the field season, the complete SHEBA catalog will be available for several years from JOSS or the SHEBA home page. The catalog will act as the SHEBA Project Operations Summary and may be found at :

The CODIAC archive function is used as the primary access point for SHEBA operational data and for preliminary and final research datasets as they become available. This system will be described. Links are provided from CODIAC to other data centers holding cooperative project data and other relevant SHEBA information. CODIAC is available for receipt and redistribution of SHEBA datasets. It is possible for investigators to provide preliminary and final datasets along with associated documentation as the analysis phase continues. 71 datasets currently exist in CODIAC for SHEBA. These datasets contain data of varied types ranging from meteorlogical, radiation budget, snow and ice physics, to oceanographic. Data are searchable by file name and/or data type and deliverable via Internet file transfer (FTP) or on separate media (tape, CD-ROM, disk). Collaboration with existing DataCenters for archival, and in some cases collection, of project specific datasets and important supporting information will be described

The 5th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography