A simple model of energy exchange between the land surface and the atmospheric boundary layer, driven by inputs that can be derived primarily through remote sensing, is applied over continential scales at a horizontal resolution of 10 km. Surface flux paritioning into sensible and latent heating is guided by time-changes in land-surface brightness temperature, which can be measured from a geostationary satellite platform such as GOES. Other important inputs, including vegetation cover and type, can be derived using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in combination with other vegetation and land use information. Previous studies have shown that this model performs well on small spatial scales, in comparison with surface flux measurements acquired during several field experiments. However, because the model requires only a modicum of surface-based measurements and is designed to be computationally efficient, it is particularly well-suited for regional- or continental-scale applications. Model flux estimates for the central United States are compared with climatological moisture and vegetation patterns, soil moisture indicies, as well as with surface-based flux measurements acquired during the Southern Great Plains (SGP-97) Hydrology Experiment. These comparisons are quite promising