The Department of Defense (DOD) has been reliant on a proprietary communications system for delivery of alphanumeric data. The contract for this service has expired, forcing DOD to develop a replacement system. The replacement architecture utilizes a web-based communications infrastructure developed by Defense Information System Agency (DISA) and the Air Force Weather Agency. Naval Oceanographic Office has developed the software module for the building and transmission of alphanumeric messages. The module uses a template approach and is pre-filled from data collected from the Automated Surface Observing System. Extensive quality control checking and automatic message formatting have been implemented to ensure consistent and accurate data. Data are transmitted to the Automated Weather Network via a NIPRnet communications architecture. An additional feature provides for automatic archival of each day's observational data directly to the national archives in Asheville, North Carolina. The module has been developed for use in the Windows-NT operating system and will be deployed to all DOD activities in either the Navy Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) Integrated Data Display System or the Air Force Meteorological Integrated Standard Terminal.