The wavenumber selection in an unstable baroclinic flow has long been a subject of investigation in geophysical fluid dynamics. For a weakly unstable flow, the linearly most unstable wave is always the final realized wave. As the flow becomes more supercritical, the dominant wave gradually shifts from the most unstable wave to a longer wave. However, when the supercriticality is reduced from the state with a dominant longwave, it may remain in that state even beyond the threshold where it first developed. Hysteresis in a quasigeostrophic system also displays a complex behavior: it occurs not only between the states of different dominant wavenumbers, but also between the states of identical dominant wavenumber but of different dynamic characteristics.
In a recent numerical experiment using a high-resolution spectral Eady model with asymmetric Ekman dissipation, it is found that in a weakly stratified flow with strong meridional forcing the flow does not show a preference for any single wave. Instead, the dominant wave aperiodically varies among the linearly most unstable wave and the longer waves. The mechanism of wavenumber vacillation will be examined in terms of meridional heat flux, the wave PV gradient, and wave saturation. The importance of wave-wave and wave-mean flow interactions will also be investigated.
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12th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics