Turbulent fluxes over the Atlantic Ocean
Jacyra Soares, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; and A. P. Oliveira and I. Wainer
A series of field experiments are planed to measure turbulent fluxes at the atmospheric surface layer and vertical profiles of meteorological and oceanographic parameters over the western Tropical Atlantic Ocean. The major goals are to characterize observationally the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean in micro, meso and macro scales and to calibrate numerical models.
The boundary layer fluxes will be determined from instrumented towers located in two Brazilian Tropical islands, at “Atol das Rocas” and at “Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo”.
Vertical profiles of wind speed, air temperature and relative humidity will be estimated by 5 anemometers and air temperature and relative humidity sensors. These sensors will be arranged in at 5 levels in the 10m tower in a equally spaced distance in a logarithmic scale. Measurements of barometric pressure and surface ocean temperature will also be available. Radiation budget will be also estimated by a net radiometer and a set of 2 pyranometer and 2 pyrgeometers in a up and down disposition. These measurements will be performed continuously during a minimum period of two years.
Turbulence measurements will be carried out during several short-duration campaigns, lasting two weeks each campaign, using sonic anemometer, fine wire thermocouple and krypton hygrometer. The data collected will have several applications as to calculate the energy balance over the ocean, to estimate the wind stress, to validate and calibrate oceanic and atmospheric numerical models.
Poster Session 1, Oceanography: Satellite Data, Applied Meteorology, Atmospheric Chemistry, Urban Climate
Saturday, 3 April 1999, 1:15 PM-3:00 PM
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