Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography


Stochastic wind-induced variability of ocean gyres

Andrew M. Moore, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO

Stochastic wind forcing of ocean gyre circulations is examined using the ideas of generalized linear stability theory applied to the barotropic vorticity equation of a idealized ocean. The barotropic vorticity equation is linearized about a time evolving basic state flow characterized by two counter-rotating Fofonoff gyres, and the spatial patterns of stochastic surface wind stress curl that are optimal for increasing the variability of the ocean are computed. The most disruptive pattern of stochactic forcing is found to be insensitive to: measures of variance, the optimization time, the temporal decorrelation time of the stochastic forcing, the time evolution of the basic state flow, the stability of the basic state flow, basin size, gyre symmetry, and the presence of bathymetry. In addition, the most disruptive pattern of wind stress curl is reminiscent of that which would be associated with individual large-scale weather systems in the atmosphere, and changes in the amplitude of the atmospheric teleconnection patterns. The response of a non-linear model to stochastic forcing described by the optimal patterns is examined, and the dynamics of the response discussed.

Poster Session 1, Oceanography: Satellite Data, Applied Meteorology, Atmospheric Chemistry, Urban Climate
Saturday, 3 April 1999, 1:15 PM-3:00 PM

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