Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography


Extratropical transition and transformation of southwest Pacific tropical cyclones


Mark R. Sinclair, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ

Thirty-three cases of extratropical transition (ET) of tropical cyclones in the southwest Pacific during 1970 are investigated using NCEP reanalyses. The sequence of synoptic-scale events accompanying ET and the subsequent transformation to a baroclinic extratropical cyclone is outlined. Composites are used to identify key dynamical forcings on the synoptic scale. One feature common to almost all cases is the appearance of a jet streak in the southeastern quadrant. About ten of the cases underwent regeneration in the extratropics. The propagation of a second upper-level jet into the northwestern sector was a key ingredient in the majority of these redeveloping storms.

Session 2A, General Circulation (Parallel with Session 2b)
Saturday, 3 April 1999, 3:30 PM-5:45 PM

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