A high resolution regional model for operations
S. Bibiana Cerne, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and M. N. Nuņez
the model. A ten level version of the regional Australian model (ARPE) has been adapted at CIMA, to be used as the operative forecast model of the Argentinean National Meteoro-logical Service (SMN) since later 1998.
The model has 10 sigma levels in the vertical and horizontal gridpoints are located on a polar stereographic projection tangent at 60°S, with a resolution of 150 km. Physical process such us surface friction, fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture, large scale and convective precipitation and diurnal cycle of surface temperature are parameterized. A non-lineal vertical modes scheme is used to initialized the model.
The performance of the model forecasts and its parameterizations has been tested in a wide set of experiments. These results were satisfactory according to the two main limitations of this version: the low resolution of the model and the time constant lateral boundary conditions. The availability of an operative data set represents a gap between research capabilities and operational reality in Argentina and this limits the possibility to run complex models or to actualize lateral boundary conditions from a global model.
The aim of this second phase is to improve the horizontal resolution and to nest the model within itself. In this way the domain and the horizontal grid resolution has been designed to run forecasts over the continental area of the Southern of South America, using the same initial data set developed at the SMN.
A 75 km new horizontal resolution, the scheme of Perkey and Kreitzberg (1976) plus an efficient filter for removing the slow outgoing waves was implemented to nest the model within its low resolution version. The results of the first experiments of this new phase show a real improve in the forecasts, especially in the convective precipitation, variable with a poor performance in the low resolution version o
Poster Session 4, Air-Sea Interactions, Teleconnections and Synoptic events
Wednesday, 7 April 1999, 2:15 PM-3:45 PM
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