Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography


Planetary Wave Interactions in the Antarctic Stratosphere

Mark W. Harvey, CRC for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology, Clayton, Vic., Australia

Variations in planetary wave 1 amplitudes on timescales of the order of 10 days have often been noted in the Antarctic stratosphere. These episodes of wave 1 growth are associated with accelerated erosion and warming of the polar vortex and hence can act to limit springtime ozone depletion.

In this study, these wave 1 events are shown to be related to episodes of wave 1 - wave 2 interaction, where wave 1 undergoes periodic amplification when the phase ridges of the two waves are spatially coincident. These events may also be viewed from the synoptic perspective as vortex interactions, often between a quasi-stationary anticyclone and a series of travelling anticyclonic features.

In this talk, we focus on one particular sequence of such events and view the evolution of the flow from both the linear zonal-mean (wave - wave interaction) and synoptic (vortex interaction) perspectives.

Session 9C, Antarctic Meteorology and Climatology (parallel with Sessions 9a and 9b)
Tuesday, 6 April 1999, 8:30 AM-11:30 AM

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