Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography


SST fronts in the Southwestern Atlantic

Dimitri N. Severov, Univ. of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay; and V. A. Severova


SW Atlantic SST fronts are studied from three satellite SST data bases: "METEOR" (1989-1994), "ds277" -Reynolds (1982-1995), and NOAA-AVHRR (1996-1998). SST fronts are analysed and classified: Brazil Current Subtropical Front (20ºC), Principal Subtropical Front (18°C), North Subtropical Front (15°C), Subtropical Surface Front (12°C), South Subtropical Front (10°C), Subantarctic Surface Front (7ºC), Circumpolar Subantarctic Front (5°C) and Polar Front (3°C). The maximum gradient occurs at the Brazil Current Front (BCF), and it can be any subtropical front, depending on the season. The influence of the atmospheric processes on the formation of mesoscale cyclonic eddies on fronts of the BMC is determined. The possibility of that type of processes influences the mechanism of the low salinity water discharge to the shelf and to the open ocean is discussed.


Poster Session 1, Oceanography: Satellite Data, Applied Meteorology, Atmospheric Chemistry, Urban Climate
Saturday, 3 April 1999, 1:15 PM-3:00 PM

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