Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography


Variability and trends in the Southern Hemisphere lower stratosphere and troposphere (Invited Presentation)

David J. Karoly, Monash Univ., Clayton, Vic., Australia

atosphere. A brief review will be presented of the trends in SH circulation, temperature, and ozone in the lower stratosphere over the last 20-30 years. The focus will be on changes in winter and spring associated with the strengthening of the Antarctic circumpolar vortex, colder temperatures over the polar cap and the Antarctic ozone hole.

The trends will be discussed in the context of typical modes of year-to-year variability in the stratosphere and possible links to variability and trends in the troposphere. Possible mechanisms for the trends in the lower stratosphere will be described, including stratospheric ozone depletion, greenhouse climate change and dynamical links between the troposphere and the lower st

Session 14, Millennium Celebration:The Challeges of the XXI Century: Part V
Wednesday, 7 April 1999, 11:45 AM-2:15 PM

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