2B.6 Empirical circulation models: is there a place for them in oceanography?

Saturday, 3 April 1999: 4:45 PM
Victor H. Marin, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; and R. Escribano and L. E. Delgado

Numerical models have extensively been used in oceanography with different degrees of success depending,among other things, on the scale of the analysis, whether or not realistic density fields and bottom topography are incorporated, etc. An alternative strategy is to generate empirical circulation based on circulation data obtained from published sources and data generated from current meters. We show our experience in the use of empirical circulation models in the analysis of biological-oceanographic variables using GIS and cellular automata techniques. We further discuss the weakness and potential uses of this type of models in oceanography. This work was financed by project FONDECYT 98/0366 from CONICYT-Chile.
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