Session 5A Decadal and Enso Variability in the Southern Hemisphere: Part II (Parallel with Session 5b )

Sunday, 4 April 1999: 4:45 PM-6:00 PM
Host: Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography
Vincente R. Barros, Univ. of Buenos Aires, CONICET, Buenos Aires

5:00 PM
ENSO-related Climate Variability on Precipitation and Temperature in Southeastern South America (Uruguay)
Mario Bidegain, Direccion Nacional de Meteorologia, Montevideo, Uruguay; and G. Podesta

5:15 PM
Presence and Impact of The "El Niño Phenomenon" in Bolivia Case Study of the El Niño 1997/98)
Willian Ramiro Villarpando, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Cercado, Bolivia

5:30 PM
5:45 PM
The influence of el Nino/la Nina on rainfall in equatorial and southern Africa
S. E. Nicholson, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and J. Kim, D. Leposo, J. Selato, and J. Grist

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner