3.5 Applicability of GOES-R AWG Cloud Algorithms for JPSS/VIIRS

Tuesday, 25 January 2011: 2:45 PM
4C-1 (Washington State Convention Center)
Andrew K. Heidinger, NOAA, Madison, WI

The GOES-R AWG has developed a full suite of cloud properties for the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). Some of these algorithms are directly applicable to the VIIRS sensor on JPSS though spectral differences prevent consistent algorithmic approaches. In addition to VIIRS and ABI, NOAA continues to generate cloud products from the AVHRR flown on METOP. A goal of NOAA/NESDIS is to ensure a physically consistent product suite from all platforms. This work summarizes our efforts to test the consistency of all NOAA cloud algorithms (GOES-R AWG, METOP, JPSS). This talk will focus on the critical products of cloud height and cloud liquid water path
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