In the 1-2 February case, soundings and wind profiler observations showed that the frontal rainband was located at the leading edge of an upper cold front in a classical warm-occluded structure. Ground-based radar observations revealed two separate layers of precipitation generating cells within this band, one at 5-7 km and one at 9-10 km. The lower layer, referred to as the “altocumulus generating cell layer”, produced fall streaks that could be traced from the generating cells down to the radar brightband at 2 km. The microphysical structure of the rainband was elucidated by imagery from a Cloud Particle Imaging (CPI) probe, mounted aboard the University of Washington’s Convair-580 research aircraft. These images provide detailed information on crystal habits and degrees of riming throughout the depth of the precipitating cloud. The crystal habits reveal temperature and saturation conditions where particle growth occurred, and they help in estimating particle fall speeds, which are important for deriving precipitation rates from radar-measured quantities. These measurements will be used to quantitatively describe particle growth processes observed in this storm.
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