10th Conference on Mountain Meteorology and MAP Meeting 2002

Session 19

 Mountain waves, wave breaking, and turbulence
 Organizer: Doug Miller, NPS, Monterey, CA
10:45 AM19.0aInfluence of Lateral Shear upon Mesoscale Orographic Flow (formerly paper 19.6)  
Matthias Zillig, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland; and H. C. Davies
11:00 AM19.1Internal Wave Generation in the Lee of Topography  
Bruce R. Sutherland, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
11:15 AM19.2Evidence for inertia-gravity waves forming polar stratospheric clouds over Scandinavia  
Andreas Dörnbrack, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Wessling, Germany; and T. Birner, H. Flentje, and A. Fix
11:30 AM19.3The impact of the atmospheric boundary layer on mountain forced gravity waves  extended abstract
Adrian S. Broad, Met Office, Bracknell, Berks., United Kingdom
11:45 AM19.4Large-scale flow response to short mountain waves breaking in a rotating shear flow  
Francois Lott, CNRS, Paris, France
12:00 PM19.5Jump formation and vortices in stratified flow past ridges  
Craig Epifanio, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; and R. Rotunno

Friday, 21 June 2002: 10:45 AM-12:15 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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