Poster Session 6 |
| Icing and Volcanic Ash, Poster Session |
| | P6.1 | Two Perspectives on a Colorado Icing Event: GRIDS and CIP Ben C. Bernstein, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and T. L. Schneider and M. K. Politovich |
| | P6.2 | The NASA Icing Remote Sensing System Andrew L. Reehorst, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH; and D. J. Brinker, T. P. Ratvasky, C. C. Ryerson, and G. G. Koenig |
| | P6.3 | The CIP inflight icing severity algorithm Marcia K. Politovich, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and F. McDonough and B. C. Bernstein |
| | P6.4 | Temperature effects on vibrating-wire precipitation gauge Jeffrey A. Cole, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and S. Landolt and C. E. Duchon |
| | P6.5 | SIGMA : System of Icing Geographic identification in Meteorology for Aviation Christine Le Bot, Météo-France, Toulouse, France |
| | P6.6 | Radar/radiometer combination to retrieve cloud characteristics for icing detection Guifu Zhang, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and J. Vivekanandan and M. K. Politovich |
| | P6.7 | On the use of 1-min ASOS data to predict the onset of snow Steven Vasiloff, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and B. Clarke |
| | P6.8 | 'ICECAP': A GOES image product depicting aircraft icing potential and maximum icing altitude Gary P. Ellrod, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA, Camp Springs, MD; and A. Bailey |
| | P6.9 | Freezing Drizzle Formation Over The Oregon Cascades during IMPROVE II Roy M. Rasmussen, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and K. Ikeda, G. Thompson, and I. Geresdi |
| | P6.10 | Comparison of satellite and aircraft measurements of cloud microphysical properties in icing conditions during ATReC/AIRS-II Louis Nguyen, NASA/LRC, Hampton, Va; and P. Minnis, D. A. Spangenberg, M. L. Nordeen, R. Palikonda, M. M. Khaiyer, T. S. Daniels, I. Gultepe, and A. L. Reehorst |
| | P6.11 | Comparison of balloonsonde and remote sensing atmospheric measurements David J. Brinker, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH; and A. Reehorst and J. Power |
| | P6.12 | Climatology of icing areas derived from ERA40 analysis Christine Le Bot, Météo-France, Toulouse, France; and P. Lassegues |
| | P6.13 | An overview of ground-based remote sensing during AIRS-2 and WISP-04, using the NOAA GRIDS system Timothy L. Schneider, NOAA/ETL, Boulder, CO; and B. Bartram, C. Campbell, J. Gibson, D. Hazen, S. Matrosov, and R. F. Reinking |
| | P6.14 | Advances in the provision of warnings for volcanic ash for aviation in the Australian region Rodney Potts, BMRC, Melbourne, Vic., Australia; and M. Manickam |
| | P6.15 | A case study of a Great Lakes supercooled large droplet icing cloud Frank McDonough, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and B. C. Bernstein |