Since ADDS has been so successful (very positive feedback from users, Government Technology Leadership Award in 2001, featured on SUN Java site) why is it important to build an application version of ADDS? The reason is that our ability to enhance ADDS has been severely limited because we have had to use an early version of Java (JDK 1.1) because later versions do not run well with todays browsers--unless plug-ins are used. JDK 1.1 is based on 1990s technology.
Our solution is to use the latest version of Java (J2SE 1.4.x) and Java Web Start. The new version will have enhanced reliability and be more efficient and cost-effective. It will:
start faster (application software lives on user machines) run against a version of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) approved by SUN (fewer bugs than in vendor-modified JVM implementations in browsers) have a common look and feel on all platforms feature pluggable code (easier to add new stuff) have less code (easier maintenance)
The application will enable users to save configurations, build custom graphics for specific routes, print, dock tool bars, annotate on a separate layer, fade layers, generate pre-defined routes automatically, define colors, and configure time, fonts, animation, and contour intervals. It will also enable displaying of time series (including meteograms) and contours of variables on vertical cross-sections.
Web Start is a free configuration management tool from Sun Microsystems that enables downloading Java applications from the Web and automatically checks for updates.