Tuesday, 30 April 2013
North/West Room (Renaissance Seattle Hotel)
Handout (6.1 MB)
The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is being used for applications in the polar regions ranging from real-time forecasting to regional climate simulations. A key to the performance of WRF in the polar regions is the evaluation and identification of an ideal suite of WRF physics parameterizations that best represent the polar atmosphere. This study evaluates an extensive set of combinations of WRF v3.4.1 shortwave radiation, longwave radiation, and microphysics parameterizations in month-long regional climate simulations. The results of the simulations are statistically compared against surface and upper-air meteorology and cloud observations from Barrow, Alaska and Summit, Greenland. The conclusion of the study is the identification of a preferred combination(s) of radiation and microphysics parameterizations for the use in the arctic.