Tuesday, 5 June 2001: 2:15 PM
Olivier Pauluis, MIT, Cambridge, MA
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The role of the planetary boundary layer in the cross-equatorial
Hadley circulation is investigated.
An axially symmetric atmosphere presents a Hadley-like overturning circulation
whenever the horizontal gradient of
radiative-convective equilibrium temperature is above a given threshold.
The upper branch of such a circulation transports mass from the regions of strong precipitation to the subtropics.
Because of conservation of angular
momentum, the return flow in the lower troposphere
can only occur in two ways:
(1) within the boundary layer, where surface friction and
turbulence allow air masses to change angular momentum, or (2)
within the free troposphere, in which case the flow must either follow
surfaces of constant angular momentum
or occur within a region of homogenized
angular momentum.
The meridional mass transport in the planetary boundary layer
depends on the zonal wind above the boundary layer, on the
boundary-layer thickness, on the surface drag coefficient, and on
the Coriolis parameter. In the case of cross-equatorial Hadley
an upper bound on
the cross-equatorial mass transport within the boundary layer can
be derived.
As a result, most of the return flow
crosses the Equator in the free troposphere. In addition,
there is a region of low level convergence and
increased precipitation on
the winter side of the Hadley circulation.
These findings are confirmed by numerical simulations with
an idealized axially symmetric model.

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