Poster Session P1.7 Mechanism for the generation of secondary waves in wave breaking regions

Monday, 4 June 2001
Sharon L. Vadas, Colorado Research Associates Division, Boulder, CO; and D. C. Fritts

Handout (364.2 kB)

It is well known that wave breaking generates secondary waves. During wave breaking in the mesosphere, momentum is deposited, and a body forcing results. In this paper, we study the result of these temporally- and spatially-localized body forces. It is generally assumed that a body force leads only to the acceleration and establishment of a mean wind and balanced thermal structure. However, as we show here, a significant amount of secondary waves are also radiated in the process. These waves transport significant vertical momentum and energy. Thus body forcing is an effective mechanism for creating high-frequency waves with large vertical scales that can readily propagate into and may have appreciable effects at greater altitudes.
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