Monday, 4 June 2001: 9:45 AM
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Recent fine- and microstructure observations from the Brazil Basin
indicate enhanced finescale shear and strain in conjunction with bottom
intensified turbulent dissipation above rough bathymetry. Such
observations implicate the bottom boundary as an energy source for the
finescale oceanic internal wave field. An attempt is made here to lay
the groundwork for simple models of the spatial evolution of finescale
internal waves as they propagate away from a source. Nonlinearity is
explicitly treated as a flux in the spectral domain and dissipation is
implicitly viewed as the end result of nonlinear transfers to high
wavenumber. A general formulation for the nonlinear transfers is
discussed which conserves both energy and momentum. A specific
formulation is given to these transfers which can be described as a
relaxation to an equilibrium power law and a backscattering process.