Poster Session P4.9 Mesoscale distribution of spectral actinic flux and photolysis in conditions of variable cloud cover and high surface albedo

Tuesday, 21 September 2004
Melanie Wetzel, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV; and W. R. Stockwell, D. Kim, and C. Loughner

Handout (265.4 kB)

A GOES satellite-based retrieval procedure has been developed to derive gridded datasets at high spatial and temporal resolution for mapping UV spectral actinic fluxes and photolysis rates. Radiative transfer models and multispectral satellite image pixel classification methods provide input to the procedure, and ground-based measurements of spectral actinic flux are utilized for verification. Results indicate significant variation in photochemical processes due multiple scattering for locations and time periods with high surface albedo or broken cloud cover. This study demonstrates a need and method for inclusion of mesoscale satellite analysis in air quality forecasting.
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