Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Handout (3.9 MB)
We present analysis of the vertical variability of aerosol single scattering properties obtained from mini-aethalometer AE-51 mounted onboard of the UAV or weather balloon as well as the LB-10 lidar, CHM15k and CIMEL sun-photometer observations. Measurements were made in the frame of Poland-AOD ( network at the Radiative Transfer Station SolarAOT in Strzyzow (south-east part of Poland, 49.878N, 21.861E, 443 m a.s.l.) between the Sep 2013 and Jul 2014. The UAV technical parameters are: wingspan 2.4 m, length 1.8 m, weight 4.5 kg, payload capability 0.7 kg, maximum altitude 1500 m. This aircraft is equipped with AE-51 aethalometer and RS92SGP Vaisala radiosonde. Vertical profiles obtained from several fights show significant variability of aerosol optical properties with weather conditions such as the temperature gradient, relative humidity, and wind speed. During intensive smog events in winter season we found large variability (order of magnitude 10) of the absorption coefficient up to 100-200 m above the valley of small town Strzyzow. This variability can be explain by the mountain-valley circulation during night which leads to accumulation the pollution in the valley. We present sensitivity study of radiative forcing and radiative heating calculation due vertical variability of absorption coefficient. These simulations were done in the MODTRAN code for several measured profiles. Finally, we discuss the relationship between the surface and columnar aerosol properties measured by in-situ and remote sensing method respectively and vertical profiles of aerosol extinction coefficient measured by lidar (532 nm) and ceilometer (1064 nm).