Joint Poster Session 1 Radiative Properties of Clouds and Aerosols

Wednesday, 9 July 2014: 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Hosts: (Joint between the 14th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation; and the 14th Conference on Cloud Physics )

wednesday 6-8pm

Volcanic ash optical model for satellite remote sensing
Sini Merikallio, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland; and O. Muñoz, A. M. Sundström, T. H. Virtanen, M. Horttanainen, G. de Leeuw, and T. Nousiainen

Handout (5.3 MB)

The scattering properties of atmospheric ice particles measured during MACPEX by the SID3
Carl G. Schmitt, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and M. Schnaiter and A. Heymsfield

Evaluation of CMIP5 AMIP simulated clouds and TOA radiation budgets using NASA satellite observations
Erica K. Dolinar, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; and X. Dong, B. Xi, J. Jiang, and H. Su

Poster 304 has moved. New Paper number is 3.2A

Evaluation of Black Carbon Semi-Direct Radiative Effect in a Climate Model
Jiangnan Li, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Victoria, BC, Canada

Multi-Year Comparisons of High Cloud Frequencies from HIRS, MODIS, and AVHRR
Richard A. Frey, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and P. Menzel, A. Heidinger, B. Baum, and N. Bearson

Cirrus cloud feedback in response to climate fluctuations
Chen Zhou, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

Handout (1.3 MB)

Vertical variability of aerosol absorbing properties in the Carpathian Mountains
Krzysztof M. Markowicz, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; and M. Chilinski, J. Markowicz, P. Makuch, T. Petelski, I. E. Stachlewska, and O. Zawadzka
Manuscript (500.0 kB)

Handout (3.9 MB)

Multi-year variation of the aerosol optical properties and radiative forcing over East Asia
Bingqi Yi, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; and P. Yang

Observation and modeling the vertical variability of the single scattering properties during Arctic Haze
Justyna Lisok, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; and M. Chiliński, K. M. Markowicz, M. Gausa, P. Makuch, T. Petelski, and T. P. Zieliński
Manuscript (779.6 kB)

Handout (11.6 MB)

Study of Aerosol Radiative Properties During Long-range Transport of Biomass Burning from Canada to Central Europe in July 2013
Michał T. Chiliński, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; and J. Lisok, O. Zawadzka, K. M. Markowicz, I. S. Stachlewska, P. Makuch, T. Petelski, T. P. Zieliński, A. Strzałkowska, A. Rozwadowska, A. Pietruczuk, A. Szkop, and M. Posyniak

Handout (3.9 MB)

Extrapolation of Simulated Scattering Matrix for Large Size Parameter Values
Teemu Mäkinen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland; and T. Nousiainen

Handout (454.8 kB)

Analyzing Inhomogeneity of Trade Wind Cumuli from Collocated Radiation and Microphysical Observations
Frank Werner, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany; and H. Siebert, T. Schmeissner, R. Shaw, and M. Wendisch

A flexible parameterization for shortwave optical properties of ice crystals
Bastiaan van Diedenhoven, Columbia University and NASA/GISS, New York, NY; and A. S. Ackerman, B. Cairns, and A. M. Fridlind

Handout (4.9 MB)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner