15th Conf. on Biometeorology/Aerobiology and 16th International Congress of Biometeorology

Session 9C

 Transport of Contaminants
 Organizer: Dale Edward Linvill, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
1:00 PM9C.1Response of epiphytic bacterial populations to their environment  
Dale Edward Linvill, Clemson University, Clemson, SC
1:15 PM9C.2Wind, aeolian sediment, and plant damage on Heard Island  
Paul J. Beggs, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia; and P. M. Selkirk and D. L. Kingdom
1:30 PM9C.3A particle transport study focusing on gasoline lead in Europe and its environmental implications  extended abstract
Frauke Feser, GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, Germany; and M. Costa-Cabral, C. Hagner, and H. von Storch
1:45 PM9C.4Combined effects of meteorological factors, pollutants and pollens on hospital admissions for asthma in Florence (Italy) 1998-2001  
Lorenzo Cecchi, Medical Bioclimatology Center, Firenze, Italy; and A. Crisci, M. Morabito, S. Orlandini, G. Maracchi, G. F. Gensini, and V. Digiesi
2:00 PM9C.5Graphical Displays of Pollen Concentration Forecasts  extended abstract
Robert Pasken, Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO; and J. Pietrowicz
2:15 PM9C.6Scavenging of air pollutants during precipitative events at a natural coastal ecosystem  
Teodoro Georgiadis, CNR-ISAC, Bologna, Italy; and F. Rossi, R. Nardi, and F. Benincasa

Wednesday, 30 October 2002: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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