Session 4 Radiation, Climate Variability, and Climate Change

Monday, 9 July 2018: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Regency E/F (Hyatt Regency Vancouver)
Host: 15th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation
David Paynter, NOAA/GFDL, Princeton, NJ and Maria Z. Hakuba, JPL, Earth Science, Pasadena, CA

3:30 PM
A Global Perspective On The Diurnal Cycle Of Outgoing Radiation
Jake J. Gristey, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom; and J. Y. C. Chiu, R. J. Gurney, C. Morcrette, P. G. Hill, J. E. Russell, and H. E. Brindley

3:45 PM
Radiation flux variability over West Africa: the role of clouds, aerosols and water vapour in observations and CMIP5 models
Anna Mackie, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; and P. I. Palmer and H. E. Brindley
4:00 PM
Understanding the Super Greenhouse Effect through OLR Variability during ENSO events
Shiv Priyam Raghuraman, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ; and D. Paynter and V. Ramaswamy
4:15 PM
Mechanism of Fast Atmospheric Energetic Equilibration Following Radiative Forcing by CO2
Tra Dinh, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; and S. Fueglistaler
4:30 PM
4:45 PM
On Constraining Uncertainty in Cloud Feedback with Climate Change Retrieval Stability and Radiometric Calibration Requirements
Yolanda L. Shea, NSA/LaRC, Hampton, VA; and B. A. Wielicki, S. Sun-Mack, P. Minnis, M. D. Zelinka, and T. Thorsen

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner