14th Conference on Middle Atmosphere

Poster Session 5

 Tropical/Extratropical Interactions
 Organizer: Fabrizio Sassi, NCAR, Boulder, CO
Chair: Fabrizio Sassi, NCAR, Boulder, CO
P5.1Tropical SST role on the anomalous SH polar vortex of 2002  
Barbara Grassi, Univ. of L'Aquila, Coppito -L'Aquila, Italy; and G. Redaelli and G. Visconti
 P5.2The stratospheric ozone signatures of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation as observed by the JPL lidar located at Mauna Loa Observatory, HI  
Thierry Leblanc, JPL, Wrightwood, CA; and I. S. McDermid
 P5.3Sudden stratospheric warming events in a simple stratosphere-mesosphere model  
Matthew H.N. Rigby, University of Oxford, oxford, oxfordshire, United Kingdom
 P5.4The impact of the tropical stratosphere on the evolution of the polar night jet  
Scott M. Osprey, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom; and L. J. Gray, N. Butchart, S. Reddy, and A. Bushell
 P5.5Zonal asymmetry in the methane and hydrogen fluoride distribution in the equatorial stratosphere observed by satellites  
Hyesun Choi, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea; and W. Choi
P5.6Seasonal Variability of Mesospheric Winds and Turbulence Layers over Jicamarca, Peru  
Gerald A. Lehmacher, Clemson University, Clemson, SC; and L. Guo, E. Kudeki, A. Akgiray, P. Reyes, and J. Chau
 P5.7Ozone QBO from SHADOZ tropical ozonesondes  
Jacquelyn C. Witte, SSAI, Greenbelt, MD; and M. Schoeberl, A. R. Douglass, and A. M. Thompson
P5.8The linkage between the tropical/extratropical interactions and the stratosphere-troposphere coupling  
Ming Cai, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL; and R. -. C. Ren

Wednesday, 22 August 2007: 1:30 PM-3:30 PM, Holladay

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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