16th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics

Session 2


Stability of Flows

 Chair: Bruce R. Sutherland, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada
10:45 AM2.1Evidence for Deep PV Mixing in the ACC  
K. Shafer Smith, New York University, New York, NY; and J. Marshall
11:00 AM2.2Stochastic baroclinic instability  
Francis J. Poulin, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada; and G. Flierl
 2.3Relating Over-Reflection and Wave Geometry to the Counter Propagating Rossby Wave Perspective: Toward a Deeper Mechanistic Understanding of Shear Instability  
Nili Harnik, Tel Aviv Univ., Tel Aviv, Israel; and E. Heifetz
11:15 AM2.3ASpontaneous inertia-gravity wave radiation from cloudy and baroclinic cyclones  
David A. Schecter, NorthWest Research Associates, Bellevue, WA; and M. T. Montgomery
11:30 AM2.4A calculation of Lyapunov exponents for atmospheric blocking  extended abstract wrf recording
Athar Hussain, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, MO; and A. R. Lupo and S. Dostoglou
11:45 AM2.5Transient development of perturbations in a barotropic shear flow  
Nikolaos Bakas, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA; and B. F. Farrell
12:00 PM2.6Instability and breakdown of a vertical vortex pair in a strongly stratified fluid  
Michael L. Waite, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and P. K. Smolarkiewicz

Monday, 25 June 2007: 10:45 AM-12:15 PM, Ballroom South

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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