A high-resolution (200 m) solar atlas has been recently developed for the Alpine region of Trentino in the Southern Alps, on the basis of global radiation observations provided by the local radiometric network for the years 2004-2012. Monthly and yearly climatological radiation maps were obtained by combining a GIS-based clear-sky model (r.sun module in GRASS GIS) with geostatistical interpolation techniques (kriging). Moreover, 2-km resolution satellite data derived by the MeteoSwiss HelioMont algorithm were used for missing-data reconstruction and in the final mapping, integrating ground-based and remote-sensing information. The results are compared with existing solar radiation datasets for the region of interest, such as the two PVGIS databases produced by the Joint Research Center Institute for Energy and Transport. The accuracy of the different ground- and satellite-based datasets is evaluated for the study area, also in comparison with long-term simulations carried out by means of the WRF model for the study area (2-km resolution).