46 Boundary Layer Structure and Diurnal Mountain Winds in the Sierra Nevada: Mobile Doppler Lidar Observations

Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Aviary Ballroom (Catamaran Resort Hotel)
Neil P. Lareau, San Jose State University, San José, CA; and C. B. Clements and M. Lloyd

Observations of boundary layer structure and diurnal mountain winds in California's Sierra Nevada are presented. The data are collected with the California State University Mobile Atmospheric Profiling System (CSU-MAPS), which features a scanning Doppler Lidar mounted in the bed of a pick up truck. The vertically pointed Lidar collects data at high temporal and spatial resolution along east-west transects across the Sierra Nevada during clear conditions. Data reveal the spatial variations in vertical velocity and aerosol depth as a function of the underlying topography.

The Lidar is also operated in a scanning mode from strategic vantage points to measure diurnal circulations within major drainages, including Yosemite Valley, where strong up and down valley flows are documented during the day and night, respectively. The strength, structure, variation of these flows are presented.

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