Over 20 cyclones impacted the MOSAiC observational domain. Atmospheric structure was sampled with high-frequency rawinsondes, a cloud radar, a wind profiler radar, and on-ice radiation, turbulence, and basic meteorological measurements. Observations of surface impacts include surface energy budget measurements, precipitation gauges, ice radar, SAR imagery, and an array of GPS buoys. Synoptic-scale spatial structure is provided by validated reanalysis data and satellite imagery. Other available measurements showing cyclone impacts on air-ice-ocean interaction processes include trace gas measurements (e.g., O3, DMS, CH4) and upper-ocean turbulence, salinity and temperature measurements. This work examines several cases. One mid-November case showed many classical structural features, but also features not previously associated with Arctic cyclones. These include a suggestion of topographical vortex-stretching influences from Greenland, and a low-level jet structure to the quasi-axisymmetric near-surface winds. Changes in direction of the strong surface winds produced ice fracturing, which later led to significant shearing with the passage of a subsequent weaker cyclone. Thermodynamic impacts on the sea ice resulted from dramatic changes in turbulent heat fluxes and longwave radiation, resulting in a brief reversal of the typical heat loss from the sea ice to the atmosphere. During the winter and following spring, numerous additional cyclones, including ones with much lower central pressure than the November cyclone, passed near the MOSAiC site. Many showed the LLJ structure, some produced thermodynamic impacts on the sea ice, and others kinematic impacts. A strong, mid-winter cyclone lacked the typical tropopause-level disturbance. Significant ice fracturing and movement in late March was associated with a series of ACs. A pair of cyclones in mid-April initiated the first, but brief, spring surface melt. A mid-September cyclone produced a rain-on-snow event, producing significant changes in surface albedo and a temporary halt to the autumn freeze-up. Its associated mesoscale frontal features coincided with large changes in trace gas concentrations. This presentation will examine the structure of a number of these cyclones and the mechanisms for their surface impacts. If time permits, cyclone structure and surface interactions from a coupled model will also be compared to the observations.